Thursday, 30 July 2009

Whirlwind Theatre is now taking its annual break and will be back in action on the 10th August. Anyone wanting booking information please e-mail your details to Leaflets and newsletter about our forthcoming weekly youth theatre working towards The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe will be sent out on the first week of September. You will find most of the booking information on the Website and you need to reserve your place by telephone or by e-mail.
Whirlwind Theatre is always looking for volunteers to support the children during workshops and help with front of house duties including meeting and greeting at the start of each session. If you would like to help in this way send us a message.
Just to remind people that the Whirlwind Theatre facebook site is an open forum and I have added a discussion point this week if you would like to add your comments. Will be updating this with news and reviews after the short break.

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Website Update

Hi all.
Just been spending a bit of time updating the website. Taking a little longer than expected as the online editter keeps timing out on me!
Also, keep losing information about links and things so have to keep going back to find them. Maybe I should write them down somewhere sensible?
Will try and keep this updated a bit more regularly as well.
Bye for now - back to the website.